Heyo! Welcome to the realm of CASEY GUNGEON. If you couldn't tell from the name, I'm a bit of a roguelike aficionado. I also really like strategy games and games with a "flow" to the gameplay! I'd love to make all these types of games myself. I also enjoy modding and have done so for games like Tower Unite, Rivals of Aether, and Wargroove.
I'm looking for work! Please e-mail me at mail@caseygungeon.com
I graduated in computer science as of spring 2022! In terms of game engines, I've worked in GameMaker Studio and Unity. Anything you see on this page will most likely have been made in Unity. I've worked in JavaScript, Python, and C++ too! I'm open to a lot of things. E-mail me! bound2theground@gmail.com!
profile icon by skdaffle